Hook: Mustad 34011
Size: 4
Thread: 3/0 white
Weed guard: 25 lb. monofilament (optional)
Antennae: Small bit of white dubbing, 2 strands of black Krystal Flash
or two dark horse hairs
Feelers: 6- 8 strands of white marabou
Rostrum: bleached deer body hair
Claws: grizzly neck hackle pair
Eyes: Mono nymph eyes
Carapace: Swiss straw, white
Legs: crystal chenillle, white
Body: cream, white dubbing
Hook: Mustad 3366 or TMC200R
Sizes 2-10 (often 4)
Thread: Chartreuse
Eyes: bead chain, or lead dumbell eyes; painted dark red with black
pupils if desired.
Wing: From top to bottom: white bucktail on top, chartreuse bucktail
beneath with Krystal flash as an accent. The bucktail should be about
one-and-a-half times the hook length. Wrap a long, tapered head in
front of the eyes. It should swim with the point up.
Hook: Mustad 34007
Size: 4-8
Thread: White
Eyes: silver bead chain or dumbell eyes
Underbody: silver flashabou
Overbody: V-rib or monofilament
Wing: two white hackle tips and silver krystal flash
Hook: Mustad 34011
Size: 4 - 8
Thread: red
Eyes: Bead chain pair
Body: Chenille wrapped over the hook and around the eyes,
Tail and overbody: Mylar piping tied in at the head, folded over the
top and bottom and extended as a tail
Hook: Mustad 34007 or TMC 811S
Sizes: 2-4/0
Thread: 3/0, red or white
Tail: Wide grizzly hackle tips with pearl flash
Body: Silver mylar
Underwing: White bucktail
Overwing: Peacock herl
Throat: Red Krystal flash
Eyes: White or yellow paint, with black pupils (optional)
Photo by Chris Windram/Saltwaterflies.com
Hook: Mustad 34007
Size: 2-6
Thread: 3/0 wrapped on hook before gluing body
Body: hard foam popper body
Glue: 2 ton epoxy or super glue
Paint: acrylic craft paint as desired, covered with epoxy or clear
fingernail polish and turned
for 24 hours to dry
Tail: White saddle hackle (tied after finish has dried)
Hook: Mustad 34007
Size: 1/0-2
Thread: 3/0 white or tan
Tail: Tan bucktail over white bucktail
Body: Tan yarn or chenille
Eyes: Bead chain or dumbbell
Scate's Shrimp
Hook: Mustad 34011
Size: 2-4
Thread: 3/0 white
Antennae: black marabou over white bucktail with pearl Krystal flash
Back: pearl Krystal flash
Body: white chenille
Eyes: Monofilament or plastic bead-chain eyes
Legs: Black hackle palmered through the body, with Krystal flash ends
tied under the body
Hook: Mustad 34011 (custom bent)
Size: 4 - 8
Thread: red
Tail: rabbit hair, pink or chartreuse
Body: thread, mylar, or metallic floss covering the hook shank,
metallic ribbon cut with tabs to tie off at each end
Finish: epoxy coat, rotated while drying
Weed guard (optional)